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How Do I Cancel My Membership?

You have two options.

  1. You can pause your membership. Pausing your membership will ensure you keep your current pricing. As we continue to add more course, workshops, and perks to the Scary Good Business Advantage the price will increase. If you are wanting to later re join the membership pausing your current membership could save you money. If you would like to pause your account simply reach out to us below and let us know how long you would like to pause your account for. We will take care of the rest.
  2. To just cancel your membership all together. You can simply go to your payments and login in to your payment account. Under subscriptions, you can select the membership you wish you cancel and simply cancel your membership. No hoops to jump through or people to talk to. Once you have canceled your membership you will lose access to everything within that membership. You can check out this document on how to cancel your membership.

If you have been charged for your membership or subscription we WILL NOT refund you. We give you the ability to cancel at any time without needing to contact us.

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